
Clean Up


The following steps are only required if you ran this workshop in your own account. If attending an AWS hosted event the resources will be deleted automatically after a certain time indicated by your presenters.

Below is a list of resources created in this workshop. Delete each one to clean up your account after executing the modules.

Amazon Athena

wildrydes_athena table

  1. Click on Services then select Athena in the Analytics section.

  2. Click on the overflow (three vertical dots) icon next to the wildrydes_athena table and click on Delete table.

  3. Confirm the deletion.

Amazon Kinesis Data Firehose

wildrydes delivery stream

  1. Click on Services then select Kinesis in the Analytics section.

  2. Click View all in Kinesis delivery streams.

  3. Click wildrydes to select the radio button.

  4. Click Actions and Delete.

  5. Type the name of the stream (wildrydes) and click Delete to confirm the deletion.

Amazon S3

Data bucket (e.g. wildrydes-data-yourname)

  1. Click on Services then select S3 in the Storage section.

  2. Click your bucket’s row (e.g. wildrydes-data-yourname) to highlight it.

  3. Click Delete bucket. You might need to empty the bucket first.

  4. Type the name of the bucket (e.g. wildrydes-data-yourname) and click Confirm to confirm the deletion.

Flink application bucket

  1. If you followed the Deploy Flink Application lab, you might have created an S3 bucket for the application export. Delete it following the steps described above.

AWS Lambda

WildRydesStreamProcessor function

  1. Click on Services then select Lambda in the Compute section.

  2. Click the checkbox next to WildRydesStreamProcessor.

  3. Click Actions and Delete. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

WildRydesAggregator function

  1. Click on Services then select Lambda in the Compute section.

  2. Click the checkbox next to WildRydesAggregator.

  3. Click Actions and Delete. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

Amazon DynamoDB

UnicornSensorData table

  1. Click on Services then select DynamoDB in the Database section.

  2. Click Tables from the left-hand navigation.

  3. Click the checkbox next to UnicornSensorData.

  4. Click Delete table and click Delete to confirm the deletion.

UnicornAggregation table

  1. Click on Services then select DynamoDB in the Database section.

  2. Click Tables from the left-hand navigation.

  3. Click the checkbox next to UnicornAggregation.

  4. Click Delete table and click Delete to confirm the deletion.


WildRydesDynamoDBWritePolicy policy

  1. Click on Services then select IAM in the Security, Identity & Compliance section.

  2. Click Policies from the left-hand navigation.

  3. Select Customer managed from Filter (filter by Type).

  4. Click the checkbox next to WildRydesDynamoDBWritePolicy.

  5. Click Policy actions and Delete. Confirm and click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

kinesis-analytics-service-flink-analytics-glue policy

  1. Click on Services then select IAM in the Security, Identity & Compliance section.

  2. Click Policies from the left-hand navigation.

  3. Select Customer managed from Filter.

  4. Click the checkbox next to kinesis-analytics-service-flink-analytics-glue.

  5. Click Policy actions and Delete. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

kinesis-analytics-service-flink-analytics-p-<region> policy

  1. Click on Services then select IAM in the Security, Identity & Compliance section.

  2. Click Policies from the left-hand navigation.

  3. Select Customer managed from Filter.

  4. Click the checkbox next to kinesis-analytics-service-flink-analytics-p-<region>.

  5. Click Policy actions and Delete. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

kinesis-analytics-service-flink-analytics-po-<region> policy

  1. Click on Services then select IAM in the Security, Identity & Compliance section.

  2. Click Policies from the left-hand navigation.

  3. Select Customer managed from Filter.

  4. Click the checkbox next to kinesis-analytics-service-flink-analytics-po-<region>.

  5. Click Policy actions and Delete. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

kinesis-analytics-service-flink-analytics-pi-<region> policy

  1. Click on Services then select IAM in the Security, Identity & Compliance section.

  2. Click Policies from the left-hand navigation.

  3. Select Customer managed from Filter.

  4. Click the checkbox next to kinesis-analytics-service-flink-analytics-pi-<region>.

  5. Click Policy actions and Delete. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

unicorn-aggregation-ddb-write-policy policy

  1. Click on Services then select IAM in the Security, Identity & Compliance section.

  2. Click Policies from the left-hand navigation.

  3. Select Customer managed from Filter.

  4. Click the checkbox next to unicorn-aggregation-ddb-write-policy.

  5. Click Policy actions and Delete. Click the Delete button to confirm the deletion.

WildRydesStreamProcessorRole role

  1. Click Roles from the left-hand navigation.

  2. Click the checkbox next to *WildRydesStreamProcessorRole.

  3. Click Delete role and click Yes, delete to confirm the deletion.

unicorn-aggregation-role role

  1. Click Roles from the left-hand navigation.

  2. Click the checkbox next to unicorn-aggregation-role.

  3. Click Delete role and click Yes, delete to confirm the deletion.

kinesis-analytics-flink-analytics-<region> role

  1. Click Roles from the left-hand navigation.

  2. Click the checkbox next to kinesis-analytics-flink-analytics-<region>.

  3. Click Delete role and click Yes, delete to confirm the deletion.

kinesis-analytics-flink-analytics-flinkagg-<auto generated number>-<region> role

  1. Click Roles from the left-hand navigation.

  2. Click the checkbox next to kinesis-analytics-flink-analytics-flinkagg-<auto generated number>-<region>.

  3. Click Delete role and click Yes, delete to confirm the deletion.

Amazon Kinesis Data Analytics

flink-analytics notebook

  1. Click on Services then select Kinesis in the Analytics section.

  2. Click Analytics applications in the left sidebar. If you cannot see a sidebar on the left, please click the Hamburger icon (three vertical lines) to open it.

  3. Select the Studio tab.

  4. Click the radio button next to the flink-analytics notebook.

  5. From the Actions dropdown, select Delete and confirm the deletion.

flink-analytics-flinkagg-<auto generated number> application

  1. Click on Services then select Kinesis in the Analytics section.

  2. Click Analytics applications in the left sidebar. If you cannot see a sidebar on the left, please click the Hamburger icon (three vertical lines) to open it.

  3. Click the radio button next to the flink-analytics-flinkagg-<auto generated number> application. The name is specific to your setup.

  4. Click Actions and Delete. Confirm the deletion.

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams

wildrydes and wildrydes-summary streams

  1. Click on Services then select Kinesis in the Analytics section.

  2. Click View all in Kinesis data streams.

  3. Click the checkboxes next to wildrydes and wildrydes-summary.

  4. Click Actions and Delete. Click Delete to confirm the deletions.


  1. Click on Services then select IAM

Identity Pool

  1. Click Roles

  2. Search for Delete the role KinesisFirehoseServiceRole-wildrydes-<region>-<auto generated number>

  3. Finally delete the Identity Pool

    • Go to the Amazon Cognito console. You may be prompted for your AWS credentials.
    • Choose Manage Identity Pools.
    • Choose the name of the identity pool that you want to delete. The Dashboard page for your identity pool appears.
    • In the top-right corner of the Dashboard page, choose Edit identity pool. The Edit identity pool page appears.
    • Scroll down and choose Delete identity pool to expand it.
    • Choose Delete identity pool.
    • Choose Delete pool.
  4. Click Policies

  5. Search and Delete the policy KinesisFirehoseServicePolicy-wildrydes-<region>

Cognito Roles

  1. Click Roles

  2. Search and Delete roles for Cognito_wildrydesAuth_Role and Cognito_wildrydesUnauth_Role


  1. Click on Services then select Cloud9

  2. Locate your Cloud9 setup - select Actions and Delete

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